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  • mhelgy2

The Grand Illusion is Coming Down

Reality check. The illusion is coming down.

The Satanic Grand Illusion is coming down. Folks ain't buying it anymore. We're heading into The Great Awakening. Here's the sellouts Styx singing the truth of the grand illusion that's been pulled over us for decades. A doctrine of the Satanists is to always reveal what they are doing but most are so sold out to what they are selling they can't see it.

They named the voting machines Dominion because that's what they've been doing for years. They've had dominion over us through the puppets they put in. Trump beat their machines in 2016 and they couldn't believe it. He was beating their machines bigger this time in 2020 so they had to stop counting and bring in ballots. The whole thing is an absolute sham. And truly Trump didn't beat them Trump and We the People that love liberty have won. They're going to keep pushing that Biden won because they are so backed in a corner-they have no where to go. The REAL show is getting wonderful to watch. Trump 2020 and liberty to all.

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